How to Use the Healing Touch Pain Drain Technique
The Pain Drain is an energy technique used in Healing Touch for pain management. This procedure can be used to relieve chronic or acute pain from any condition; relief usually occurs within 3 to 5 minutes. Learn to help someone by following the steps below.
Use a pain scale to assess your client's pain level before and after the treatment. A number scale from 0 (no pain) to 10 (worst pain) will provide a subjective measure of progress.
Prepare for treatment by centering yourself and becoming in tune with your client. Stand behind your client and visualize energy being pulled up from the earth through your spine and spreading throughout your body. When you feel the calm flow of healing energy, proceed to the next step.
Begin the Pain Drain technique by scanning the problem area with the palms of your hands, moving them back and forth. Try to sense any unusual sensations (throbbing, pulsing, or tingling) in the area.
Place your left hand on the painful area with your right hand held downward and away from the body. This guides the congested energy or pain away up the left arm and down the right until it is released out and away from the body.
Speed up the process by squeezing and releasing your right hand repeatedly until you feel the energy flowing from the painful site and away from the body. Hold your position until you no longer feel the pull of energy, or your client feels relief.
Switch hands placing your right hand on the problem area while holding your left in the air. This guides healing energy from Source (God, Universe, Higher Power or whatever you believe) through you and into the void left by your Pain Drain.
Reassess your client's energy field by rescanning your client and checking for leaks. Their problem area should now feel like the rest of the energy field.
Complete the Pain Drain by evaluating your client's experience, noting any changes in pain, tension, breathing or skin color. Ask them for feedback.
Tips & Warnings
Know that any energy drained from you client is neutral and does not have a positive or negative quality. Therefore, it dissipates into the Universal Energy Field once it has left the body.
If you are uncertain about having negative energy flowing through you, try envisioning a long tube connecting your hands where the energy can flow through.
At the conclusion of the technique, clear yourself by visualizing any access energy being forced through your feet and into the earth.
The Pain Drain is an energy technique used in Healing Touch for pain management. This procedure can be used to relieve chronic or acute pain from any condition; relief usually occurs within 3 to 5 minutes. Learn to help someone by following the steps below.
Use a pain scale to assess your client's pain level before and after the treatment. A number scale from 0 (no pain) to 10 (worst pain) will provide a subjective measure of progress.
Prepare for treatment by centering yourself and becoming in tune with your client. Stand behind your client and visualize energy being pulled up from the earth through your spine and spreading throughout your body. When you feel the calm flow of healing energy, proceed to the next step.
Begin the Pain Drain technique by scanning the problem area with the palms of your hands, moving them back and forth. Try to sense any unusual sensations (throbbing, pulsing, or tingling) in the area.
Place your left hand on the painful area with your right hand held downward and away from the body. This guides the congested energy or pain away up the left arm and down the right until it is released out and away from the body.
Speed up the process by squeezing and releasing your right hand repeatedly until you feel the energy flowing from the painful site and away from the body. Hold your position until you no longer feel the pull of energy, or your client feels relief.
Switch hands placing your right hand on the problem area while holding your left in the air. This guides healing energy from Source (God, Universe, Higher Power or whatever you believe) through you and into the void left by your Pain Drain.
Reassess your client's energy field by rescanning your client and checking for leaks. Their problem area should now feel like the rest of the energy field.
Complete the Pain Drain by evaluating your client's experience, noting any changes in pain, tension, breathing or skin color. Ask them for feedback.
Tips & Warnings
Know that any energy drained from you client is neutral and does not have a positive or negative quality. Therefore, it dissipates into the Universal Energy Field once it has left the body.
If you are uncertain about having negative energy flowing through you, try envisioning a long tube connecting your hands where the energy can flow through.
At the conclusion of the technique, clear yourself by visualizing any access energy being forced through your feet and into the earth.